Saturday, 6 June 2009

This was an adventure I had last year. It was fun, sort of.

Today I went for a lovely little walk. Up the coast road, along the marsh and off onto the airfield.

On Silloth Airfield, the periphery is made up of small businesses using the hangers and such, decommissioned from WWII. My Brother in law has a haulage business working out of there.

Whilst walking past his compound, well past dusk so it was pretty dark, I saw two scumbag chavoids legging it from the compound with a 5 gallon drum of diesel.

As i followed their path I found that they were parked between two huge stacks of pallets, one of the dudes was stood at the boot, facing me, while the other was doing something by the drivers door. I also saw one, maybe two heads in the back seats. Thinking i was grossly outnumbered I didn't confront them.
Sadly this is not the 1950's where you could grab a young gentleman by his collar and clip him round the ear, today they are likely to stab you up good.
As the boot was open I couldn't see the Reg. plate, so i walked on, looking without looking, once out of sight I secreted myself with the aim of getting the Reg. plate as they passed...they didn't, so I turned on my bionic legs and sprinted the mile into town to my sisters house.
Once there I got The B-in-law Robert. We jumped in the car and headed back to the airfield.
As we were pulling nearer to the place where they were parked I pointed out the pallets..."There, where that car is...hang on...they're still here."
We pulled in at speed behind them, and like Starsky out of Starsky and Hutch I leapt out of the car...bolstered by the fact that in the harsh glare of the headlights I could see that the rear passengers were female...I could totally take those bitches down if i needed to.
With my sights set on the driver I was well up for a scuffle. Sadly Chav driver had other ideas and started to reverse. Robert, scared that his car would get hit reversed. All this happened in half a second, so I was still behind the passenger door of Robert's car. The door hit me on the hip and twisted my leg. Ouch.
Robert took of under my instructions. I saw that they were heading towards the other entrance to the airfield, so I ran AGAIN, towards the entrance that we came in by.
Slowed by bottomless puddles and half my leg in tatters I got to the entrance just in time to see them fly by. This meant I had to run back into town, I was faster this time.
Once in town I did a lap of the back alleys looking for the car. Turns out they drove right through town, with Rob after them. He phoned the rozzers and they were picked up 5 miles out of town...Captured.
So I had a huge walk, two sprints and now a sore leg...but at least the chavs are going down, and probably getting their car crushed cos it might not be insured...Bonus.
Sadly I should have stuck around cos the other chav was behind the pallets having a piss and was left behind. I took off at such a lightening pace (honest) that I didn't see him, otherwise I'd have had the chance to get in amongst it.

GOOD TIMES....I need a mask...and a cape...and a sidekick...and a better leg.
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