Did you know that we have approximately 6 years until Back to the Future 2 becomes a total lie? That's right, we have 6 years to produce hover boards, flying cars and jackets with built in driers. More frightening, only 6 years for this here hat to become fashionable.
Obviously, those pioneers of fashion, indie kids are trying their best, but i fear tight trousers and complicated hair are leading them in the wrong direction. This cap is not the past. It is not the 80s. It is the future.
I don't resent them for their retro ways. It's history repeating, it always happens. If I had my way, pastel linen suits with the sleeves rolled up and slicked back hair would be right back at the forefront, but if we are to make wearing this hat acceptable, we need to get on the case.
People, we need this.
Be part of the solution.
This hat must be part of our lives.
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