Saturday, 6 June 2009

This is indulgent. I was just annoyed when I wrote this.

It's been a while, but here, have a taste of my life.

During the worst week, of the worst few months of my adult life, I almost came to breaking point. My job was trying to kill me. Every day has been like an episode of Casualty mixed with Final Destination.
On monday I was electrocuted by a mains extension cable 5 times!
I was wearing latex gloves. My safety boots have insulted soles. yet some how the pesky electrons managed to zap the living bejesus out of me.

I have what feels like a hairline fracture in the heel of my hand, tendon and ligament damage in my right arm, making this very difficult type by the way.
My right knee has a tender place directly beneath the knee-cap, making it very difficult/painful to kneel, which i do often at work.
To cap it off, yesterday a hammer drill got a bit frisky and decided to attack my only good limb. It tore into the trousers, which knotted up around the bit and tightened the material, cutting off the blood flow. The bit, hot due to constant use, strained to enter my thigh, being only held back by the strength of both of my weakened arms working at full capacity. The drill was aided by the leverage it gained from my trousers. My pulling back of the drill only angered it more as the drill-trigger was being plunged into overdrive, sending yet more urge to the hot metal hole borer, designed to rattle easily through concrete, to delve into my leg.
One final colossal, titan like pull saved my leg, but tore a hole the size of africa out of my trousers. Though the hole was huge, the debris was minimal.
The bit was so hot that it shrank the manmade fibres in the trousers.
I have also nearly lost two knuckles by being careless with a stanley knife. Cows keep pissing me off....I am far from happy.

[I was so angry back then, I'm way more mellow now]
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